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Aiwisruthrem Gah (*sunset to midnight)



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1. xshnaothra ahurahe mazdĺ,
ashem vohű...(3).
fravarâne mazdayasnô zarathushtrish vîdaęvô ahura-tkaęshô,
aiwisrűthrimâi aibigayâi ashaone ashahe rathwe ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaęca,
frâdat-vîspăm-hujyâitęe zarathushtrôtemâica ashaone ashahe rathwe ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâicâ frasastayaęca,

1. Propitiation to Ahura Mazda.
Ashem Vohu...(3).
I profess myself a Mazda-worshipper, a follower of Zarathushtra, opposing the Daevas, accepting the Ahuric doctrine.
To Aiwisruthrem that furthers life, Ashavan, the master of Asha, for worship, adoration, propitiation and praise. To Fradat-vispam-hujyaiti and Zarathushtrotema, Ashavan, the master(s) of Asha, for worship, adoration, propitiation and praise.
2. ashâunăm fravashinăm khenănămca vîrô-văthwanăm ýâiryayĺsca hushitôish amaheca hutâshtahe huraodhahe verethrakhnaheca ahuradhâtahe vanaińtyĺsca uparatâtô xshnaothra ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaęca.
ýathâ ahű vairyô, zaotâ frâ mę mrűtę
athâ ratush ashâtcît haca, frâ ashava vîdhvĺ mraotű.
  2. With propitiation of the Ashavan Fravashis, and to the women with their troops of heroes, and the Yairya Hushitay and to Ama, well-built, fair of form, Verethraghna, Ahura-created; and to Triumphing Uparatat, for worship, adoration, propitiation and praise.
Yatha Ahu Vairyo, the zaotar should say to me
Atha ratush ashatchit hacha, the knowing Ashavan should say.
3. ahurem mazdăm ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide, zarathushtrem ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide, zarathushtrahe ashaonô fravashîm ýazamaide, ameshę speńtę ashaonăm ýazamaide.   3. We worship Ahura Mazda, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship Zarathushtra, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship the Fravashi of Ashavan Zarathushtra. We worship the Ashavan Amesha Spentas.
4. ashâunăm vanguhîsh sűrĺ speńtĺ fravashayô ýazamaide astvatô manahyâca, apanôtemem rathwăm ýazamaide ýaętushtemem ýazatanăm hanghanushtemem ashahe rathwăm aiwinasăstemem jakhműshtemăm ashaonô ashahe rathwô ratufritîm ýazamaide!
  4. We worship the good, powerful, holy Fravashis, Ashavan, the material and the spiritual. We worship the most effective of masters, the most active of Yazatas, and the most worthy of the masters of Asha, who is best able to reach his goal of satisfaction, the Ashavan master of Asha!
5. aiwisrűthrimem ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide, aibigâim ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide, thwăm âtrem ahurahe mazdĺ puthrem ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide, asmana hâvana ashahe ratavô ýazamaide, ayanghaęna hâvana ashahe ratavô ýazamaide, hadha-zaothrem hadha-aiwyĺnghanem imat baresma ashaya frastaretem ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide, âpe urvare ýazamaide, aourvatăm urune ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide.
  5. We worship Aiwisruthrima, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship Aibigaya, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship you, Atar, the son of Ahura Mazda, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship the stone mortar, the master of Asha. We worship the iron mortar, the master of Asha. We worship this Baresman spread with Asha and provided with Zaothra and girdle, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship the waters (and) plants; we worship the Aourvatam Urunay , Ashavan, the master of Asha.
6. frâdat-vîspăm-hujyâitîm ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide, zarathushtrem ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide, măthrem speńtem ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide, gęush urvânem ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide, zarathushtrôtememca ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide, zarathushtrem ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide.   6. We worship the Fradat-vispam-hujyatay, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship Zarathushtra, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship the sacred Manthra, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship the Geush Urvan, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship the Zarathushrotema, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship Zarathushtra, Ashavan, the master of Asha.
7. âthravanem ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide, rathaęshtârem ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide, vâstrîm fshuyańtem ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide, nmânahe nmânô-paitîm ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide, vîsô vîspaitîm ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide, zańtęush zańtupaitîm ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide, dainghęush dainghupaitîm ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide.
  7. We worship the Athravan, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship the warrior, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship the cattle farmer, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship the cattle farmer, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship the homes with a house-lord, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship the villages with a village-lord, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship the provinces with a province-lord, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship the countries with a country-lord, Ashavan, the master of Asha.
8. ývânem humananghem hvacanghem hushyaothnem hudaęnem ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide, ývânem uxdhô-vacanghem ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide, hvaętvadathem ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide, dainghâurvaęsem ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide, humâim pairijathnem ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide, nmânahe nmânô-pathnîm ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide.
  8. We worship the youth of good thought, good words, good deeds, good 2 Daena , Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship the youth (who) makes intercession, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship the Khvaetvadatha, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship the (priest) within the country, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship the blessed (priest who) goes about abroad, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship the homes with a house-lady, Ashavan, the master of Asha.
9. nâirikămca ashavanîm ýazamaide, frâyô-humatăm frâyô-hűxtăm frâyô-hvarshtăm hush-hăm-sâstăm ratuxshathrăm ashaonîm ýam ârmaitîm speńtăm ýĺsca-tę khnĺ ahura mazda, naremca ashavanem ýazamaide, frâyô-humatem frâyô-hűxtem frâyô- hvarshtem vîstô-fraoreitîm evistô-kayadhem ýenghe shyaothnâish gaęthĺ asha frâdańte, zarathushtôtemahe rathwô ýasnâica vahmâica zarathushtrôtememca ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide.
  9. We also worship the Ashavan woman, predominating in good thoughts, predominating in good words, predominating in good deeds, well instructed, 3 having power over the masters , Ashavan, (as are) Spenta Armaiti and your females, O Ahura Mazda.
We also worship the Ashavan man, predominating in good thoughts, predominating in good words, predominating in good deeds, knowing the creed, not knowing the Kayadha, through whose activity Creation is advanced in Asha, for worship and adoration of the master Zarathushtrotema, and we worship the Ashavan Zarathushtrotema, the master of Asha.
10. ashâunăm vanguhîsh sűrĺ speńtĺ fravashayô ýazamaide, khnĺsca vîrô-văthwĺ ýazamaide, ýâiryămca hushitîm ýazamaide, amemca hutashtem huraodhem ýazamaide, verethrakhnemca ahuradhâtem ýazamaide, vanaińtîmca uparatâtem ýazamaide!
  10. We worship the good, powerful, holy Fravashis, Ashavan, the material and the spiritual. We also worship the women with their troops of heroes, and we worship the Yairya Hushitay. And we worship Ama, well-built, fair of form; and we worship Verethraghna, Ahura-created; and we worship Triumphing Uparatat.
11. thwăm âtrem ahurahe mazdĺ puthrem ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide, hadha-zaothrem hadha-aiwyĺnghanem imat baresma ashaya frastaretem ashavanem ashahe ratűm ýazamaide. apăm naptârem ýazamaide, nairîm sanghem ýazamaide, taxmem dâmôish upamanem ýazatem ýazamaide, iristanăm urvănô ýazamaide, ýĺ ashaonăm fravashayô,
  11. We worship you, O Atar, son of Ahura Mazda, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship this Baresman spread with Asha and provided with Zaothra and girdle, Ashavan, the master of Asha. We worship Apam Napat. We worship Nairyosangha. We worship the brave Yazata Damoish Upamana. We worship the souls of the deceased, they, the Fravashis of the Ashavan.
12. ratűm berezańtem ýazamaide, ýim ahurem mazdăm ýô ashahe apanôtemô ýô ashahe jakhműshtemô, vîspa sravĺ zarathushtri ýazamaide, vîspaca hvarshta shyaothna ýazamaide varshtaca vareshyamnaca.
ýenghę hâtăm âat ýesne paitî vanghô mazdĺ ahurô vaęthâ ashât hacâ ýĺnghămcâ tăscâ tĺscâ ýazamaide.
  12. We worship the exalted master who is Ahura Mazda, who is highest in Asha, who is furthest going in Asha. We worship all the teachings of Zarathushtra. We worship all well done deeds (those already) done, and those that will be done.
We worship all those Beings whom Ahura Mazda knows to be best for worship according to Asha, male and female.
13. ýathâ ahű vairyô...(2).
ýasnemca vahmemca aojasca zavareca afrînâmi ashâunăm fravashinăm khenănămca vîrô-văthwanăm ýâiryayĺsca hushitôish amaheca hutâshtahe huraodhahe verethrakhnaheca ahuradhâtahe vanaińtyĺsca uparatâtô.
ashem vohű....

ahmâi raęshca ... hazangrem ... jasa-mę ... (kerba mazhd...) atha jamyât ýatha âfrînâmi.

ashem vohű...!!

  13. Yatha Ahu Vairyo...(2).
I desire worship and adoration and strength and force for the Ashavan Fravashis, and to the women with their troops of heroes, and the Yairya Hushitay and to Ama, well-built, fair of form, Verethraghna, Ahura-created; and to Triumphing Uparatat.
Ashem Vohu....
To him splendor and khwarenah; to him health of body; to him toughness of body; to him resistance of body; to him possessions bringing much happiness; to him sturdy offspring; to him lengthy long-life; to him the best existence of the righteous, the luminous, offering all happy.
Thus may it come as I wish.
Ashem Vohu....
A thousand remedies, ten thousand remedies (3).
Ashem Vohu....
Come to my help, O Mazda (3).
To Ama, well-built, fair of form, Verethraghna, Ahura-created; and to Triumphing Uparatat; and to Raman of good pastures, (and to) Vayu of superior activity, superior to other creatures. That (part) of you, Vayu, which (part) of you belongs to Spenta Mainyu; to self-governed Thwasha, to boundless Zurwan, to Zurwan of the long dominion.
Ashem Vohu....
For the reward of virtue and the forgiveness of sins, I do (deeds of) righteousness for the love of my soul. May all virtuousness of all good ones of the earth of seven climes reach the width of the earth, the length of the rivers, the height of the sun in their original form. May it be righteous, live long.
Thus may it come as I wish.
Ashem Vohu...!!









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