guneh shkaste sad hazar bad
ýathâ ahű vairyô....
(here perform the natural function)
ashem vohű...(3).
>> humatanăm hűxtanăm hvarshtanăm yadacâ anyadacâ verezyamnanămcâ
vâverezananămcâ mahî aibî-jaretârô naęnaęstârô ýathanâ vohunăm mahî.
>> huxshathrôtemâi bât
xshathrem ahmat hyat aibî dademahicâ cîshmahicâ hvămahicâ hyat mazdâi
ahurâi ashâicâ vahishtâi. <<(3)
ýathâ ahű vairyô...(4).
ashem vohű...(3).
ahunem vairîm ýazamaide, ashem vahishtem sraęshtem ameshem speńtem
ýenghę hâtăm âat ýesne paitî vanghô mazdĺ ahurô vaęthâ ashât hacâ
ýĺnghămcâ tăscâ tĺscâ ýazamaide!! |
May wrong actions be done
away with a hundred-thousand times.
Yatha Ahu Vairyo...
(here perform the natural function)
Ashem vohu...(3).
>>We are praisers of good thoughts, of good words, and of good actions,
of those now and those hereafter [(Pazand) of those being done; and of
those completed]. We implant (?) them (with our homage, and we do this)
the more, and yet the more since we are (praisers) of the good (from
whom they spring). (y35.2)<<(2).
>>To the best of good rulers (is) verily the Kingdom, because we render
and ascribe it to Him, and make it thoroughly His own (?), to Mazda
Ahura do we ascribe it, and to Righteousness the Best. (y35.5)<<(3).
Yatha ahu Vairyo...(4).
Ashem vohu...(3).
We worship the Ahunwar. We worship Best Asha, the most beautiful Amesha
Yenghe... (Y18.9). |