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Kem Na Mazda (*Exorcism)



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kêm-nâ mazdâ mavaitê pâyûm dadå hyat mâ dregvå dîdareshatâ aênanghê anyêm thwahmât âthrascâ mananghascâ ýayå shyaothanâish ashem thraoshtâ ahurâ tãm môi dãstvãm daênayâi frâvaocâ,


What protector hast thou given unto me, O Mazda! while the hate of the wicked encompasses me? Whom but thy Atar and Vohu-mano, through whose work I keep on the world of righteousness? Reveal therefore to me thy Religion as thy rule!

Ke verethrem-ja:

kê verethrem-jâ thwâ pôi sêñghâ ýôi heñtî cithrâ môi dãm ahûmbish ratûm cizhdî at hôi vohû seraoshô jañtû mananghâ mazdâ ahmâi ýahmâi vashî kahmâicît.



Ke verethrem-ja:

Who is the victorious who will protect thy teaching? Make it clear that I am the guide for both worlds. May Sraosha come with Vohu-mano and help whomsoever thou pleasest, O Mazda!


pâta-nô tbishyañtat pairi mazdåsca ârmaitishca speñtasca, nase daêvî druxsh nase daêvô-cithre nase daêvô-frakarshte nase daêvô-fradâiti, apa druxsh nase apa druxsh dvâra apa druxsh vînase apâxedhre apa-nasyehe mâ mereñcainîsh gaêthå astvaitîsh ashahe, nemascâ ýâ ârmaitish îzhâcâ. ashem vohû....

Keep us from our hater, O Mazda and Armaiti Spenta! Perish, O fiendish Druj! Perish, O brood of the fiend! Perish, O creation of the fiend! Perish, O world of the fiend! Perish away, O Druj! Rush away, O Druj! Perish away, O Druj! Perish away to the regions of the north, never more to give unto death the living world of Righteousness!"
Homage, with which (are combined) devotion and milk offerings









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