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Mah Niyayesh (*Moon Litany)



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0. (pa nãm i ýazdã, hôrmezd i hvadâe i awazûnî gurz hvarahe awazâyât, mâh i buxtâr [mâh ýazat bê rasât],
ezh hamâ gunâh patit pashêmãnôm, ezh haravistîn dushmat duzhûxt duzhvaresht men pa gêthî minît vaem guft vaem kard vaem jast vaem bun bût estet ezh ã gunâhihâ manishnî gaweshnî kunishnî tanî rvãnî gêthî mainyuãnî ôxe awaxsh pashêmã pa se gaweshnî pa patit hôm!)


0. In the name of God. May the majesty and glory of Ormazd, the beneficent lord, increase. (Hither) may come the purifier Moon, the Yazad Moon. Of all sins ... I repent.
1. nemô ahurâi mazdâi nemô ameshaêibyô speñtaêibyô nemô månghâi gaocithrâi nemô paiti-dîtâi nemô paiti-dîti (3).   1. Homage to Ahura Mazda. Homage to the Amesha Spentas. Homage to the Moon that has the seed of the Bull. Homage (to the Moon) when looked at. Homage with the look.


2. xshnaothra ahurahe mazdå, tarôidîti angrahe mainyêush, haithyâvarshtãm hyat vasnâ ferashôtemem. staomi ashem,
ashem vohû...(3).
fravarâne mazdayasnô zarathushtrish vîdaêvô ahura-tkaêshô

(Here recite the appropriate Gah dedication.)

månghahe gaocithrahe gêushca aêvô-dâtayå gêushca pouru-saredhayå
xshnaothra ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca,
ýathâ ahû vairyô zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê,
athâ ratush ashâtcît haca frâ ashava vîdhvå mraotû.
  2. Propitiation to Ahura Mazda. ... I praise Asha. I proclaim ... of Ahurian Faith.

(Gah according to the period of the day.)

Propitiation ... glorification to the Moon that has the seed of the Bull. To the sole-created Bull. To the Bull of many species. As (he is) the Lord that is to be chosen ... let one who knows it pronounce it to me.
3. nemô ahurâi mazdâi nemô ameshaêibyô speñtaêibyô nemô månghâi gaocithrâi nemô paiti-dîtâi nemô paiti-dîti.
  3. Homage to Ahura Mazda .... Homage with the look.
4. kat må uxshyeiti kat må nerefsaiti, pañca-dasa må uxshyeiti pañca-dasa må nerefsaiti, ýå hê uxshyãstâtô tå nerefsãstâtô tå nerefsãstâtô ýå hê uxshyãstâtascit, kê ýâ må uxshyeiti nerefsaiti thwat.
  4. How does the Moon wax? How does the Moon wane? Fifteen (days) does the Moon wax. Fifteen days does the moon wane. As long as (is) her waxing, so long the waning. So long (is) the waning, even as the waxing. Who (is it) through whom the Moon waxes (and) wanes, (other) than you?
5. månghem gaocithrem ashavanem ashahe ratûm ýazamaide, tat månghem paiti-vaênem tat månghem paiti-vîsem raoxshnem månghem aiwi-vaênem raoxshnem månghem aiwi-vîsem, hishteñti ameshå speñta hvarenô dârayeiñti hishteñti ameshå speñta hvarenô baxsheñti zãm paiti ahuradhâtãm.   5. We sacrifice to the Moon that has the seed of the Bull, the righteous and master of Asha. Now I look at the Moon. Now I present myself to the Moon. Now I behold the brilliant Moon. I present myself to the brilliant Moon. There stand up the Amesha Spentas, they hold the glory. There stand the Amesha Spentas, they bestow the glory on the earth created by Ahura.


6. âat ýat månghahe raoxshni tâpayeiti mishti urvaranãm zairi-gaonanãm zaramaêm paiti zemâdha uzuxshyeiti, añtaremånghåsca perenô-månghåsca vîshaptathåsca, añtaremånghem ashavanem ashahe ratûm ýazamaide, perenô-månghem ashavanem ashahe ratûm ýazamaide. vîshaptathem ashavanem ashahe ratûm ýazamaide.   6. When the Moon warms with its light, then the golden-colored plants always grow up together from the earth in the spring. (We sacrifice to) the new-moon days, the full-moon days, and the intervening seventh day. We sacrifice to the new-moon, the righteous, master of Asha. We sacrifice to the full-moon, the righteous, master of Asha. We sacrifice to the intervening day, the righteous, master of Asha.


7. ýazâi månghem gaocithrem bakhem raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem afnanguhañtem tafnanguhañtem varecanguhañtem xshtâvañtem îshtavañtem ýaoxshtavañtem saokavañtem zairimyâvañtem vohvâvañtem bakhem baêshazem.
  7. I will sacrifice to the Moon that has the seed of the Bull, the bestower, radiant, glorious, possessed of water, possessed of warmth, possessed of knowledge, possessed of wealth, possessed of riches, possessed of discernment, possessed of weal, possessed of verdure, possessed of good, the bestower, the healing.
8. ahe raya hvarenanghaca
tem ýazâi surunvata ýasna
månghem gaocithrem zaothrâbyô, månghem gaocithrem ashavanem ashahe ratûm ýazamaide haomayô gava ... tåscâ ýazamaide.

(Recite silently:)

(hôrmezd i hvadâe i awazûnî mardum mardum sardagã hamâ sardagã ham bâ ýasht i vahã vaem vahe dîn i mâzdayasnã âgâhî âstvãnî nêkî rasãnât êduñ bât.)

  8. For his splendor and fortune I shall sacrifice to him with audible worship, the Moon that has the seed of the Bull, with libations.
We sacrifice to the Moon that has the seed of the Bull, the righteous, master of Asha,

With Haoma-containing milk ... and with correctly uttered words.

We worship the male and female Entities in the worship of whom Ahura Mazda knows (there is (or: consists) what is) best (lit. better) according to Asha.

9. (Recite aloud:)

ýathâ ahû vairyô...(2).
ýasnemca vahmemca aojasca zavareca âfrînâmi månghahe gaocithrahe gêushca aêvô-dâtayå gêushca pouru-saredhayå.
ashem vohû...(3)!
  9. Y.A.V.(2). I desire worship ... of the Moon that has the seed of the Bull, of the sole- created Bull, of cattle of all species. Ashem...(3).
10. dasta amem verethrakhnemca
dasta gêush hvâthrô-nahîm
dasta narãm pourutâtem
stâhyanãm vyâxananãm
vanatãm avanemnanãm
hathravanatãm hamerethê
hathravanatãm dush-mainyush
stê rapatãm cithravanghãm.
  10. Give strength and victory. Give a satisfactory supply of cattle. Give a multitude of men, steadfast, belonging to the assembly, vanquishing, not vanquished, vanquishing adversaries at one stroke, vanquishing enemies at one stroke, of manifest help to the blessed.
11. ýazata pouru-hvarenangha
ýazata pouru-baêshaza
cithra vô buyâresh masânå
cithra vô zavanô-savô,
cithra bôit ýûzhemcit hvarenô
ýazemnâi âpô dâyata!
  11. O Yazads full of fortune! O Yazads full of healing! Manifest by your greatness, manifest be those of you who help when invoked. O waters give indeed just your own manifest fortune to the worshiper.
12. ashem vohû....

ahmâi raêshca ... hazangrem ... jasa-mê ... (kerba mazhd) ... ashem vohû...!

([rôzh nek nãm rôzh pâk nãm rôzh mubârak] rôzh i (name the day of the month), mâh i (name the month), gâh i (name the Gah), namâzh i dâdâr i gêhã dãmã,)
xshnaothra ahurahe mazdå,

nemô ahurâi ahurâi mazdâi nemô ameshaêibyô speñtaêibyô nemô månghâi gaocithrâi nemô paiti-dîtâi nemô paiti-dîti.
ashem vohû....
(gurz hvarahe awazâyât, mâh i buxtâr [mâh ýazat bê rasât] amâwañd pêrôzhgar amâwañdî pêrôzhgarî dât dîn i vahe i mâzdayasnã âgâhî rawâî vâfrîñgânî bât, haft keshwar zamî êduñ bât,

>>men ânô âwâyat shudan <<(3).)
ashem vohû....

(Recite facing South:)
(dâdâr i gêhã dîn i mâzdayasnî dât i zarathushtrî.)
nemase-tê ashâum sevishte aredvî sûre anâhite ashaone,
ashem vohû.... nemô urvaire vanguhi mazdadhâte ashaone,
ashem vohû.... månghem gaocithrem ashavanem ashahe ratûm ýazamaide.
ashem vohû.... (gurz hvarahe awazâyât, mâh i buxtâr [mâh ýazat] bê rasât.)
ashem vohû...!!










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