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Mihr Niyayesh (*Litany to Mithra)



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-  Khordeh Avesta
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0. (pa nãm i ýazdã, hôrmezd i hvadâe i awazûnî gurz hvarahe awazâyât, mihir i frâgayôt i dâwar i râst [bê rasat],
ezh hamâ gunâh patit pashêmãnôm, ezh haravistîn dushmat duzhûxt duzhvaresht men pa gêthî minît vaem guft vaem kard vaem jast vaem bun bût estet ezh ã gunâhihâ manishnî gaweshnî kunishnî tanî rvãnî gêthî mainyuãnî ôxe awaxsh pashêmã pa se gaweshnî pa patit hôm!)

0. In the name of God. May the majesty and glory of Ohrmazd, the beneficent lord, increase. (Hither) may come Mithra of wide cattle pastures, the true judge. Of all sins ... I repent.
1 to 9... nemase-tê ahura mazda ... jasa mê avanghe mazda,
ashaunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô ýazamaide mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ýazamaide.
ashem vohû...(3).


  1 to 9... Homage to you, O Ahura Mazda ... come to my help, O Mazda. We sacrifice to the good, helpful, holy Fravashis of the righteous. We sacrifice to Mithra of wide cattle pastures.
10. fravarâne mazdayasnô zarathushtrish vîdaêvô ahura-tkaêshô

(Here recite the appropriate Gah dedication.)

mithrahe vouru-gaoyaoitôish hazangra-gaoshahe baêvare- cashmanô aoxtô-nâmanô ýazatahe râmanô hvâstrahe xshnaothra ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca.
ýathâ ahû vairyô zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê,
athâ ratush ashâtcît haca frâ ashava vîdhvå mraotû.
  10. I proclaim ... of the Ahurian Faith.

(Gah according to the period of the day.)

Propitiation ... glorification to Mithra of wide cattle pastures, who has a thousand ears, who has ten thousand eyes, the Yazad who is invoked by name, (and) to Rama Khvastra. As (he is) the Lord that is to be chosen ... let one who knows it pronounce it to me.

11. mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ýazamaide
arsh-vacanghem vyâxanem
hazangra-gaoshem hutâshtem
baêvare-cashmanem berezañtem
perethu-vaêdhayanem sûrem
ahvafnem jakhâurvånghem, mithrem aiwi-dah'yûm ýazamaide, mithrem añtare-dah'yûm ýazamaide, mithrem âdah'yûm ýazamaide, mithrem upairi-dah'yûm ýazamaide, mithrem adhairi-dah'yûm ýazamaide, mithrem pairi-dah'yûm ýazamaide, mithrem aipi-dah'yûm ýazamaide.
  11. We sacrifice to Mithra of wide cattle pastures, whose word is true ... the ever wakeful. We sacrifice to Mithra, who is around the country. We sacrifice to Mithra, who is within the country. We sacrifice to Mithra, who is in the country. We sacrifice to Mithra, who is above the country. We sacrifice to Mithra, who is under the country. We sacrifice to Mithra, who is before the country. We sacrifice to Mithra, who is behind the country.
12. mithrem ahura berezañta
aithyajangha ashavana ýazamaide,
strêushca månghemca hvareca
urvarå paiti baresmanyå
mithrem vîspanãm dah'yunãm
dainghu-paitîm ýazamaide.
  12. We sacrifice to Mithra and Ahura, the exalted, imperishable, righteous ones, and the Stars, the Moon, and the Sun, by means of trees yielding Barsom. We sacrifice to Mitha, the Lord of all countries.
13. ahe raya hvarenanghaca
tem ýazâi surunvata ýasna mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm zaothrâbyô, mithrem vouru- gaoyaoitîm ýazamaide râma-shayanem hushayanem airyâbyô dainghubyô.
  13. For his splendor and fortune I shall sacrifice to him with audible worship, Mithra of wide cattle pastures with libations. We sacrifice to Mithra of wide cattle pastures, who gives an abode of joy, and a good abode to the Aryan countries.
14. âca-nô jamyât avanghe
âca-nô jamyât ravanghe
âca-nô jamyât rafnanghe
âca-nô jamyât marzhdikâi
âca-nô jamyât baêshazâi
âca-nô jamyât verethrakhnâi
âca-nô jamyât havanghâi
âca-nô jamyât ashavastâi
ukhrô aiwithûrô ýasnyô
vahmyô anaiwidruxtô
vîspemâi anguhe astvaite
mithrô ýô vouru-gaoyaoitish.
  14. May he come hither to us in order to help (us). May he come hither to us for spaciousness. May he come hither to us to support (us). May he come hither to us to (grant us) mercy. May he come hither to us to cure (us of disease). May he come hither to us so that we are able to defeat our enemies. May he come hither to us to (grant us) a good life. May he come hither to us to grant us possession of Truth. (May) strong, unshakable, undeceivable Mithra of wide pastures, who is worthy of worship and praise, (come hither) for the sake of the whole material world.
15. tem amavañtem ýazatem
sûrem dâmôhu sevishtem
mithrem ýazâi zaothrâbyô,
tem pairi-jasâi vañtaca nemanghaca
tem ýazâi surunvata ýasna mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm zaothrâbyô, mithrem vouru- gaoyaoitîm ýazamaide
haomayô gava baresmana
hizvô danghangha mãthraca
vacaca shyaothnaca zaothrâbyasca
arshuxdhaêibyasca vâkhzhibyô.

ýenghê hâtãm âat ýesnê paitî vanghô mazdå ahurô vaêthâ ashât hacâ ýånghãmcâ tãscâ tåscâ ýazamaide.
  15. This powerful strong god Mithra, strongest in the (world of) creatures, I will worship with libations. I will cultivate him with praise and reverence, worship him with audible prayer, with libations, Mithra of wide cattle pastures.
We worship Mithra of wide cattle pastures with Haoma-containing milk and baresman twigs, with skill of tongue and magic word, with speech and action and libations, and with correctly uttered words.

We worship the male and female Entities in the worship of whom Ahura Mazda knows (there is (or: consists) what is) best (lit. better) according to Asha.
16. (Recite silently:)
(hôrmezd i hvadâe i awazûnî mardum mardum sardagã hamâ sardagã ham bâ ýasht i vahã vaem vahe dîn i mâzdayasnã âgâhî âstvãnî nêkî rasãnât êduñ bât.)

(Recite aloud:)
ýathâ ahû vairyô...(2).
ýasnemca vahmemca aojasca zavareca âfrînâmi
mithrahe vouru-gaoyaoitôish hazangra-gaoshahe baêvare- cashmanô aoxtô-nâmanô ýazatahe râmanô hvâstrahe.


17. ashem vohû....
ahmâi raêshca ... hazangrem ... jasa-mê ... (kerba mazhd...)
atha jamyât ýatha âfrînâmi.
ashem vohû...!
([rôzh nek nãm rôzh pâk nãm rôzh mubârak] rôzh i (name the day of the month), mâh i (name the month), gâh i (name the Gah), namâzh i dâdâr i gêhã dãmã,)

xshnaothra ahurahe mazdå, tarôidîti angrahe mainyêush, haithyâvarshtãm hyat vasnâ ferashôtemem. staomi ashem, ashem vohû....

(gurz hvarahe awazâyât, mihir i frâgayôt i dâwar i râst [bê rasat],
amâwañd pêrôzhgar amâwañdî pêrôzhgarî dât dîn i vahe i mâzdayasnã âgâhî rawâî vâfrîñgânî bât, haft keshwar zamî êduñ bât,

>>men ânô âwâyat shudan <<(3).)
ashem vohû....

(Recite facing south:),
(dâdâr i gêhã dîn i mâzdayasnî dât i zarathushtrî.)
nemase-tê ashâum sevishte aredvî sûre anâhite ashaone,
ashem vohû....
nemô urvaire vanguhi mazdadhâte ashaone,
ashem vohû....
mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ýazamaide.
ashem vohû....
(mihir i frâgayôt i dâwar i râst)
ashem vohû...!!









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