0. (pa nãm i
ýazdã, hôrmezd i hvadâe awazûnî gurz hvarahe awazâyât, srôsh i ashô i
tagî i tan farmãn i shkaft zîn i zîn awazâr i sâlâr i dãmã i hôrmezd bê
rasât. ezh hamâ gunâh patit pashêmãnôm, ezh haravistîn dushmat duzhûxt
duzhvaresht men pa gêthî minît vaem guft vaem kard vaem jast vaem bun
bût estet ezh ã gunâhihâ manishnî gaweshnî kunishnî tanî rvãnî gêthî
mainyuãnî ôxe awaxsh pashêmã pa se gaweshnî pa patit hôm!) |
0. In the name of God , May
the bounteous miraculous power and glory of Ohrmazd the lord increase.
May it (i.e. the prayer) reach Srosh, the righteous, the vigorous, whose
body is the command, having a hard weapon, powerful of weapon, the lord
of the creations of Ohrmazd. I am contrite for all sins and I desist
from them, from all bad thoughts, bad words and bad acts which I have
thought, spoken or done in the world, or which have happened through me,
or have originated with me. For those sins of thinking, speaking and
acting, of body and soul, worldly or spiritual, o Ohrmazd! I am
contrite, I renounce them. With three words I distance myself (from
1. ýathâ ahû vairyô...(5).
ashem vohû...(3).
fravarâne mazdayasnô zarathushtrish vîdaêvô ahura-tkaêshô
(Here recite the appropriate Gah dedication.)
sraoshahe ashyehe taxmahe tanumãthrahe darshi draosh âhûiryehe
xshnaothra ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca.
ýathâ ahû vairyô, zaotâ frâ mê mrûtê
athâ ratush ashâtcît haca, frâ ashava vîdhvå mraotû.
1. Yatha Ahu Vairyo...(5).
Ashem Vohu...(3).
I profess myself a Mazda-worshipper, a follower of Zarathushtra,
opposing the Daevas, accepting the Ahuric doctrine.
(Here recite the appropriate Gah dedication.)
With propitiation of Sraosha, companion of Ashi , the brave, who has the
Manthra for body, with bold club, the ahurian, for worship, adoration,
propitiation, and praise.
'Yatha Ahu Vairyo', the zaotar should say to me
'Atha ratush ashatchit hacha', the Asha-sanctified knowing one should
say. |
2. sraoshem ashîm
huraodhem verethrâjanem frâdat-gaêthem ashavanem ashahe ratûm ýazamaide,
ahunem vairîm tanûm pâiti,
ýathâ ahû vairyô....
kêm-nâ mazdâ mavaitê pâyûm dadå hyat mâ dregvå dîdareshatâ aênanghê
anyêm thwahmât âthrascâ mananghascâ ýayå shyaothanâish ashem thraoshtâ
ahurâ tãm môi dãstvãm daênayâi frâvaocâ,
kê verethrem-jâ thwâ pôi sêñghâ ýôi heñtî cithrâ môi dãm ahûmbish ratûm
cizhdî at hôi vohû seraoshô jañtû mananghâ mazdâ ahmâi ýahmâi vashî
kahmâicît. |
2. We worship Sraosha,
companion of Ashi, fair of form, victorious, world-promoting, the
Ashavan, master of Asha . The Ahuna Vairya prayer protects the body.
Yatha Ahu Vairyo....
What protector hast thou given unto me, O Mazda! while the hate of the
wicked encompasses me? Whom but thy Atar and Vohu-mano, through whose
work I keep on the world of righteousness? Reveal therefore to me thy
Religion as thy rule!
Who is the victorious who will protect thy teaching? Make it clear that
I am the guide for both worlds. May Sraosha come with Vohu-mano and help
whomsoever thou pleasest, O Mazda!
3. pâta-nô tbishyañtat
pairi mazdåsca ârmaitishca speñtasca, nase daêvî druxsh nase
daêvô-cithre nase daêvô-frakarshte nase daêvô-fradâiti, apa druxsh nase
apa druxsh dvâra apa druxsh vînase apâxedhre apa-nasyehe mâ mereñcainîsh
gaêthå astvaitîsh ashahe, nemascâ ýâ ârmaitish îzhâcâ.
ashem vohû....
ýathâ ahû vairyô...(2). |
3. Keep us from our
hater, O Mazda and Armaiti Spenta!
Perish, O fiendish Druj! Perish, O brood of the fiend! Perish, O
creation of the fiend! Perish, O world of the fiend! Perish away, O Druj!
Rush away, O Druj! Perish away, O Druj! Perish away to the regions of
the north, never more to give unto death the living world of
Righteousness! Homage, with which (are combined) devotion and milk
Ashem Vohu....
Yatha Ahu Vairyo....(2)
4. ýasnemca vahmemca
aojasca zavareca âfrînâmi sraoshahe ashyehe taxmahe tanumãthrahe darshi
draosh âhûiryehe.
ashem vohû....
4. I desire
worship and adoration and strength and force for Sraosha, companion of
Ashi, the brave, who has the Manthra for body, with bold club, the
Ashem Vohu.... |
5. ahmâi raêshca
hvarenasca ahmâi tanvô drvatâtem ahmâi tanvô vazdvare ahmâi tanvô
verethrem ahmâi îshtîm pourush-hvâthrãm ahmâi âsnãmcit frazañtîm ahmâi
darekhãm darekhô-jîtîm ahmâi vahishtem ahûm ashaonãm raocanghem
vîspô-hvâthrem, atha jamyât ýatha âfrînâmi.
ashem vohû....
hazangrem baêshazanãm baêvare baêshazanãm (3).
ashem vohû....
jasa-mê avanghe mazda (3).
amahe hutâshtahe huraodhahe verethrakhnahe ahuradhâtahe vanaiñtyåsca
uparatâtô, râmanasca hvâstrahe vayaosh uparô-kairyehe taradhâtô anyâish
dâmãn. aêtat tê vayô ýat tê asti speñtô-mainyaom. thwâshahe hvadhâtahe
zrvânahe akaranahe zrvânahe darekhô-hvadhâtahe.
ashem vohû...!
(kerba mazhd gunâh guzârashni râ kunôm ashahî rvã dushârm râ ham kerbaî
i hamâ vahã i haft keshwar zamî zamî pahanâ rôt drânâ hvarshêt bâlâ
buñdahihâ bê rasât, ashô bêt dêr zî.)
atha jamyât ýatha âfrînâmi.
ashem vohû...!!
5. Bestow on him
riches and good things; bestow health of body, toughness of body, and
resistance of body; bestow on him possessions giving abundant ease,
future noble offspring, and a lengthy long life; bestow on him the best
existence of the Asha-sanctified, the luminous, offering all happy.
Thus may it come as I wish.
Ashem Vohu....
A thousand remedies, ten thousand remedies (3). Ashem Vohu....
Come to my help, O Mazda (3).
To Ama, well-built, fair of form, Verethraghna, Ahura-created; and to
Triumphing Uparatat; and to Raman of good pastures, and to Vayu of
superior activity, superior to other creatures. That part of you, Vayu,
which belongs to Spenta Mainyu; to self-governed Thwasha, to boundless
Zurwan, to Zurwan of the long dominion.
Ashem Vohu....
For the reward of virtue and the forgiveness of sins, I do (deeds of)
righteousness for the love of my soul. May all virtuousness of all good
ones of the earth of seven climes reach the width of the earth, the
length of the rivers, the height of the sun in their original form. May
it be righteous, live long. Thus may it come as I wish.
Ashem Vohu...!! |